How exactly do you work for RNG rewards? I also like how you claim that you don't do weeklies yet destiny tracker shows you do.
Are you some kind of retard? I mean do you seriously think of Xur has an exotic someone doesn't have and they have the coins to buy it they won't? That's the reason Xur is there
Stop wasting your time with the scrubs. In their world, working for something (weekly heroics), getting paid (strange coins) and buying stuff with them (Xur exotics) is unacceptable. In their world, they believe just playing the game and randomly getting an exotic to drop is "earning" something. They're like the true welfare cheats who expect everything to simply be given to them. Work. Get paid. Buy stuff. That's how it's supposed to work for many things in this world kids.
I actually earn them. They arent given to me like how xur gives it to u guys.
No. You don't. You do what everybody else does and accidentally get them. No skill necessary. It's random. You do VoG... so does everyone else. You do Nightfalls... so does everyone else. You do Strikes... so does everyone else. You do Crucible... so does everyone else. RNG rewards are not earned. They are randomly given regardless of how well you played in that gave. Worst player in a Crucible match gets Ghorn. You telling me he earned it? No way. He accidentally, randomly got it for simply being there and playing poorly. Get it yet?
Edited by Omega: 3/14/2015 2:35:47 PMExactly but i do every thing differently. If i do bad in crucible and i get an exotic or legendary i discard it no matter what because of the fact that i did bad. If i get an exotic from any type of chest i discard because the only thing i did was hold x just to open it and putting in no work what so ever. If im not the highest killing player in any stike and i get an exotic i discard because i didnt beat the other two that should have deserved it. Thats how my standards work unlike u and everyone else.
Um, sure. We'll just have to take your word at that I guess.
Lol. Nah im messing around. I was just trolling. I would never do any of that.
Sorry about wasting your time though.
It worked. Ya got me. :)
Lol cool. But yeah nothing really earned i guess. i bought a bunch of stuff from xur.
No worries if you don't. It's all good. Out.
Well put
Edited by Omega: 3/13/2015 12:39:19 PMSmh. Let me be more clear then. I do do weeklys to only help my friends when they are in need of assistance but right afterwards i dismantle them but i never purposely chose to do a weekly to get strange coins for anything and the only reason xur is here is to help scrubs like u guys. Thats the only reason why he is here. I have all of the exotics weapons because i worked hard getting them instead of buying them.