Why are you mad that red death is being sold? Now people can be useful on crota hard.
Edit: I'm happy to see none of the people posting so far are salty. Everyone seems to either not care, or truly appreciate Xur selling it.
Edit2: seems like everyone is pretty content with him selling it! I see lots seeing it good because it benefits raid teams!
Edit3: Some...Where... Over the rainbow...
Honestly it's not even an arguable thing. You don't earn it through anything but Xur. That's it. It's over.
If you grind ROC or Crucible for it, then it's grind. Not earn.
If you get the strange coins necessary for purchase, it's earned.
Ex: if you're walking down the street and you find a 20$ Bill, you didn't earn it. You found it.
If you see a video game you want, and you work on something in order to obtain the money needed to buy it, then it's earned.
No salty responses here. If you dig through the forum though... Oy vey... The bought vs earn thing harsh's my arse. Like... you gotta obtain the currency SOMEWHERE... Somehow...
Got my red death a while ago on hard vog, never bothered using it until I found out about the lack of chalice in hard crota and the weapons health regen perk. It hasn't left my side since :) glad xur sold it. It just means more competent raid groups and less unnecessary wipes.
Nope not pissed. Just want the people who hated it to admit they were wrong!! I hated ppl saying it was a waste of exotic week 4....but look now!!
Nope not pissed at all in fact very happy because now when people do the hard raid even if they don't have suros or armor that can regain health, you have red death which can easily get your health back. It won't even matter because unless its gjallahorn people are gonna be pissed whatever he sells so bungie can never win.
I think it's less about one weapon (red death in this case) and more about the larger issue destiny has of gear acquisition. Everyone essentially has the same weapons in the game, defeating player's feeling of uniqueness. I personally hope destiny's sequels make exotic weapons much rarer and more difficult to acquire.
Nope, I'm glad others can have it
Got mine from Crota, I'm not an earner, RNGesus smiled upon me lol.
Who cares how someone got the gun? These posts are stupid.
Nope I don't care. I'm trying to decide if I will buy one or not
No its nice for pulse rifles to finally get some recognition. They've been great before the patch but now they're even better.
I don't mind too much. But I kind of mind, because everyone will be using it in the Crucible now... Which will kind of stink, because it rocks in the Crucible. I'm happy that people can have it for Crota and it will make things easier in PvE. But for PvP now everyone will be using it, like Suros Regime back before its multiple nerfs.
I'm happy other people get a chance to use my favorite pulse rifle.
Not enough tears in this thread must seak sustenance else where...
I'm not
Seems like the majority of people that are upset are those who play the crucible. But really who cares. All this talk of, I had to earn mine and waited months to get it. Cool well so did everyone who waited for xur to sell it. And for the mass amount of people playing this game I doubt you will see mass amounts of people in your lobby with red desth. I have two of them and I never use them???
Nothing is earned in this game its given either by Xur or via RNG. If you are upset about 0's and 1's stop playing Destiny and do something productive.
dont know why they would be pissed he has sold the red death before.
In my opinion Bungie screwed up at the beginning by not making all Exotic weapons bounty only items. If that would have happened there would be none of this bought vs earned crap and there would be a little more respect shown for fellow players knowing everyone had to complete particular bounties to obtain the weapon.
Couldn't care less. I think it's great for people who need some health regen on hard crota! Means less dyin, less wiping quicker completions when using lfg
You don't need ANY special guns for crota (suros, red death, gally). It does make things slightly easier. The best strategy is don't suck. I'm not implying the OP sucks though. Just a general feeling of noobs thinking that a gun is going to make them a better player.
No one earned jack. Its pure luck if you happened to get it.
I have a red death ,and I'm not even mad lol
I'm only pusses that xur sells weapons that I have multiple drops of. All I need is gjallarhorn.
I have an old 300 RD I'm glad I could upgrade it to day!
I got both of mine from RNG. I wouldn't say I earned them, but it saved me 23 strange coins.
RD? Nice, now I can have both versions of the gun, about time