I'm debating wether they should fit in the current Super perks or if they should be part of the miscellaneous side of the perks like how Chain of Woe or Shadowjack isn't directly tied to the super perks. It would add in more opportunities and customization in the subclass skill tree.
We do need more options. The Rpg element of Destiny still feels to narrow and empty to me. If I can't make character decisions, I should be able to customize everything in great detail.
Yes! If not a third subclass I sure expect further customization in the existing subclasses. Maybe like have three specializations per subclass to choose from.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 3/13/2015 7:54:05 PMI actually had an idea I was going to put in later, when you master your subclass you can lock it like in the beta but you have three special perks to choose from when locking it. For example, I mastered Bladedancer on my Hunter I can choose either (Dive to short-Blink), (Increase the damage of consecutive hits with Arc-Blade), or (Additional Training Focused strictly on Agility). You know things like that, pretty much made up all of them on the spot except Dive to Blink which is my favorite Idea ever. I'm thinking of giving the Solar Titan Falcon Kick when you dive XD. I also did an old thread about adding in a fourth row of perks to each subclass since I too feel like I'm very limited in my subclass specialization. I did scrap a lot of those ideas like the Titan Bubble following the caster or being able to shoot out of the Bubble because that is a bit game breaking.
I think I might have commented on the bubble following you. If I remember correctly and it wasn't someone else's post, I said something along the lines of how would you shoot enemies if the bubble followed you. I also agree with locking the subclass. I rarely change anything now that they are topped out. Except for when I equip starfire protocol since the game won't allow you to have 3 fusion grenades. That kind of bummed me out when I tried it the first time.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 3/13/2015 8:58:11 PMYeah probably the same guy X) and yes, Starfire Protocol minus well grant Angel of Light perk. You'd use Gift of the Sun if you weren't wearing the robes.