How do you earn a red death. Please answer
I got mine from a purple engram when there was still the issue of purples turning green. Was mine earned ? No. It was chance. There are a couple you earn and red death is not one. All my exotics are not earned but bad juju, thorn, sga, invective, vex, pocket, and Necrochasm. Please boot yourself
EDIT: even those aren't earned as the bounty to get them is ALSO random. Again boot yourself from life
Lol. Read edit. Did you earn a 20$ Bill if you found it on the street? You earn something by getting funds to purchase it. (Weekly strike =9) of the currency you need to afford items Xur sells. Yes. It is earned. Wouldn't you say you earned the car you are paying for? (With your attitude I can guess your parents are still paying)