I don't see anything special about it, I have had 3 of them for a good while
My first from a legendary engram last October
I levelled one up to use on my hunter character while I wait for the raid helmet with health regen from orbs, but still didn't use it
Don't see what the massive fuss is about
I believe dead orbit sells a helm with healing on it. Just get that :)
I haven't really had much problem to be honest. I levelled it up thinking that I would constantly be trying to get health back but so far so good. I've made it through the whole crota part whilst being on red health by using blessing of light and just going invisible thanks for the heads up though, I didn't know it had that perk
Haha I do the same as I'm in the same boat. (Curse you mask of third man!) Just go stealth and go in the opposite door as everyone else. Only semi scary time is leaving the ogre room. Red death really doesn't cut it for me in this fight as I use gally.
Yeh same, only exotic for me in pve is gally. Balls to red death