Neon pink
I'll be back. *walks in another room and comes back with a baby neon pink dragon that has no spikes* Here you go *hands it to you* Since you will probably steal ut instead of paying then it's free.[spoiler]this is the [b][i][u]only[/u][/i][/b] free one[/spoiler]
*steals dragon and eats it*
Not again! *punches you in the face repeatedly* I WILL NEVER SELL YOU ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Agh it hurts so good
*kicks you out of store*
You suck
Stop eating dragons hon....
Shut up I do what I want
Thats wasting cash dear :)
Not if you steal it
Mkay....[spoiler]honey bunch[/spoiler]
No, I did what had to be done.