Then we all know your a scrub and can't get it legit. Git gud noobs
edit: wowow now all of us who earned our guns legit have to dismantle it because scrubs bought it straight welfare status
Idiot. I promise i got more hours,more raid completions ,more strikes, more patrols, im day one alpha, you probably play more do u figure im a scrub for buying a gun that i spent coins on which i earned carrying people through three weekly's........duh. im done with these forums. Ive read one thread that had useful info the rest are idiots like you thinking getting a lucky rng roll makes you good. What if i bought it the first time xur had it week one? Would i still be a scrub or would you since you couldn't afford it week one? Stfu u aint shit. Its a video game we all paid for i can earn or xurn anything i want u aint special. #Noob #child #IDIOT #SUCKADIC