All I need is telesto or suros regime
Free stuff
Hawkmoon or The last word
The Hunter should really get some exotic chest armor. We haven't had any for awhile. Perhaps some nice boots for the Titan, and I hear that Warlocks aren't getting any good helmets lately, so let's start with that this week.
NLB. Gotta hit it up in Trials.
420 Dankmoon
Year 2 g horn
Stealth Drive
[quote]Keep the Thread High XD[/quote] Titan armourmentariun. The hunter any new helmet. Warlock the exotic boots cause they are so good in ova for a sword that is.
Gjallarhorn?!?!?!?!?! Just kidding suros
Something you've sold a million times
Exotic shards
Zahlo SuperCell
Personally I don't want Xur to sell any weapons especially with the three of coins buff available. What I would like is for bungie to bump the light levels of its armour up to 300. I understand 310 is alot but 300 is required. I'm currently getting 310 exotic drops now so 280 light levels armour is useless to me.
The hereafter because it's just like the black hammer before nerf
Not touch of malice xD
Suros regime year 2
Super cell
Year 2 Rare weapons with a 290+ light value.
Warlock chest piece (I don't care what), and maybe Telesto (aka needler).
Boot engrams..
Zhalo supercell
How about a 1 hit oryx wapon