Ghorn, for 9999999 strange coins Lol
Suros and the ram
Treasure keys so I dont have to waste my time farming for them anymore
Not Gjallarhorn .
P and t
I want to beat him to shit, the traitor.
Misery and sorrow. AKA: no gjelerhorn
Red death
Red dot ath
Treasure keys and ice breaker again
Something new
Legendaries, more shaders, and late-night "buddy" services.
I want him to sell bigger selections.. I work so it's hard for me to play on a lot of the days he is available.. And when I do finally meet up with him. He's not selling anything interesting....
[quote]I want Patience and time Keep the Thread High[/quote] Gallehorn
Red Death
Red death
Bones of eao
Uhh.. No Land Beyond
The ram so I can be Lvl 33 and really any gun
Gjallahorn would be great if not then nothing else is fine
I have data mined information he is going to sell, u guys will love this, it's been sold once before and it's really good!!!! Deez nutz
Hawkmoon ever since the game released . Was never awarded hawk moon !
NLB just cause I want it for collection