How about selling legendary engrams? I would love to see those on your list of things to sell. Primary weapon would be my preference.
Please sell Monte Carlo next week!
Sell the g horn
do birds sing so gay?
Why not
Sell the no land beyond!
Sell some legendary shaders and ships. Thunderlord would be nice but whatever you do, DO NOT SELL THE GJALLAHORN! That is the only exotic weapon I use and it would suck if more people had it too.
Why ask why?
Funny thing is... Bungie employees don't say shit in threads...? Stop trying to get views *Warning*
I don't care right now, but I think that you should lower the price on primary exotics
last word
Could you just sell the sultan rocket launcher cause I don't think the 22 I have are enough...
Xur, I think you deserve some time off, you should go on a vacation and blow us off next weekend.
Suros, Hard light or gjallahorn, kinda got all the rest cept the raid ones
I know for a fact tour not going to sell Ghorn so thunderlord or patient and time
Voidfang vestments
I think you should sell suros regime.
Sell a sniper that instant kills things that get shot up the ass
How about that thunderlord
Gjallahorn please. I've run chests and raids every week on 3 characters and have not yet been granted one. Been playing since October...please Gjallahorn.
Xur, as our agent, you shouldn't be taking polls on what people want you to sell. We are so fed up of people asking about selling GJALLARHORN that we will eventually sell it if they post it 2000 times in this thread...
I would like to see hard light sold and to add some twist to what is on the menu how about an exotic ship?????????