The emperor is too busy for diplomacy I see... When I say urgent it is urgent. I do not like to wait hours for a reply. Very well, are you his envoy? We can have the conference here.
Now now, there is no need for that. The Emperor may have had other matters to attend to, in the the strange realm of Real Life...
My god.. What a strange land.
Agreed. Conference post is at top of thread.
I represent the empire, and I apologize for the delay... Now, where is the meeting?
I shall make a post for the conference.
We can hold it at either here or the empire.
I will make a post for the conference.
You need to talk to ninja first, and everybody else who is attending this conference
This conference was already planned, albeit postponed, but it was planned nevertheless. It's just that when we came to the Empire, the Emperor did not respond.
The emperor is not always on, I am mostly on though
I understand that. But do you take responsibly as a representative of the Empire?
I do... I shall do what is best for the empire...
I have. He is on board.