Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need a team for vog normal gatekeeper
Lf fresh vog hm or Templar hm cp add aznfinalfantasy 32 Titan
Vog hard fresh need 4 add redrover617
Doing vog normal need 3 add crazyfrog32 he's hosting not me
Looking for 2 vog normal add dodge_me
Add YouriMen9 for templar cp hard need 4 more
Need 2 Vog norm Psn: K-Martin
Need 2 hard vog experienced
Need 4 for vog hard fresh, add and join on name
need 4 templar cp hard add ayeboogiee
Looking for hard Templar checkpoint. Have 2 add t-swift-mine
Need 2 normal VoG.
Fresh VOG normal add brutal_paarker need 4
Need 2 psn blizzymeock templar cp
Want to start a fresh normal vog inbox and I'll join you, 33 Titan
Need 3 more. VOG Hard at Templar
Need 2 psn blizzymeock templar cp
Need 1 psn blizzymeock hard templar cp
Need 3 for fresh vog hard run must be experienced add me ZavReaper
Need 5 for hard gatekeeper Add: diode211
Add MaDdirtbag need 2 vog hard fresh
Need 2 psn blizzymeock
https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1149178 We are a group of friends that are looking for new clan members to play with. We are an active clan who play every day, who will do any unachieved activity's with people whether noobs or allstars. We destroy any hard activity, and we solo crotas and go flawless every week. We all have gjallys, but that's not mandatory. We'll accept anybody that wants to join. We have a weekly rotation of how we do things: Tuesday- weekly's; Wednesday- Crota's; Thursday-VOGs ;Friday- Trials; Saturday-POE(32,34,35);Sunday and Monday-a bit of everything. When it comes right down to it, we just want a group that we can play with each and every week. Hope to see you soon, Bigjayp89
Need 4 for hard mode gate keeper no quitters and MUST!!!! have mic
I'm looking for people who want to do vog on normal add chillyboy07 to join
Looking for atheon hard cp ps4