Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Edited by ganonpig: 4/15/2015 6:39:09 AMNeed just 1 more for normal vog
Edited by Sambu03: 4/15/2015 6:37:09 AMNeed 2 more for atheon cp hard relic holder as well Add Diegito17
Add SlinkMcFly.. Doing VOG now and have shitty group.. Need real players and ill leave to join
Level 32 hunter looking for hm atheon cp Add nickruthoe If you need one!!!
Atheon normal cp Need 2 moré Add ciscomani777
Edited by ganonpig: 4/15/2015 6:21:03 AMLooking for 2 for VoG normal run
32 @ gatekeeper cp hard need to swap characters at atheon and run 3x. Experienced 31+ add psn rrriip
Need 2 for gatekeeper CP Already in, add and join SalviLoco75
I will trade a gorgon checkpoint for atheon message me on psn: EVIL-JESTER12354
Need 5 for VOG Fresh Normal chalice Exp please
Hey guys im kean on a fresh run on hard ps4 add me darth_masaroth
Edited by Ekstremiist: 4/15/2015 5:55:25 AMNeed atheons normal cp psn eks-tremiist
32 Hunter LF Hard VOG Atheon's CP invite InfinitMugetsu
Need 2 30+ hard vog fresh Add HarleyRedWolf
LFG for a fresh run in HARD MODE...I am a lvl 32 Titan...Add: neerg85
32 Hunter LF Hard VOG Atheon's CP invite InfinitMugetsu
Need one for a fresh vog hard run. Add tacosNtp
LF gorgon cp hard Please add Diegito17
Templar cp normal Need 2 moré Ad ciscomani777
I'll give you a Hard Crota Checkpoint in return for a Hard Gorgon's Chest Checkpoint, message me your psn below , thanks!
Need 3 for hard vog add me sweatygolfr
vog on hard (must add me)ps will not add u
Need 5 for gatekeeper on hard. Add: primetimedeion95
Looking for fresh hard 31 warlock add psn same as above
Fresh vog hard. Need 4. Add me: Shanblueman187
32 Titan looking for experienced fresh run. ...can run both relics......add southside080