Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Maxgeit 31 hunter ghorn and icebreaker
Need 4 more for vog fresh run add shavone167 and join normal
Hard gatekeeper need 1 add pinkykillu
Need a 32 for atheon hard. Add bubbiebuddy
Need 3 for Vog normal. Just comment your gamer tags and I'll add you
Need five ppl for vog on hard it's a fresh run
Need 4 for VoG hard mode fresh run add billyblastofff or TwiztedJB.
Getin a vog hard goin 32 titAn psn god__of__mula
Hey! If you want to make finding teams a little easier, or just make some new friends in-game, hop on facebook and join the group PlayStation Destiny Team Finder https://m.facebook.com/groups/1609811045918846?tsid=0.9063797129783779&source=typeahead Very friendly community and looking for more members who are still eager to play the game!
32 hunter. Looking for gatekeeper or atheon cp on nm only. Same name. (Can destroy oracles or run relic, doesn't matter)
Level 25 hunter (3rd and last character) looking for fresh easy VOG. Have gally. Add DiYmGm
31 and 25 looking for a fresh normal VoG run. Mike_Pittsburgh
LF Atheon hard cp Add The_Sandman_x83
Need 4 30s gatekeeper normal
Doing VoG normal need 5 KbS_VICTOM
Looking for Atheon CP on hard Lvl 32 hunter Psn hiphapasole
Fresh vog hard need 2 at least 31
32 titan looking for atheon or gorgon cp on hard. I can run relic and maxed weapons. Add Daj_mi_cevap93
Gonna help my buddy through his first raid, need 4 for vog normal some help would be awesome!
Need 2 for VOG normal add stroke_my_gecko
Need Templar cp please. Add matt92299
Need 2 for fresh VOG run on normal. Add: billyBMTH120
Same name as on here, add me if you have a gorgon cp on norm or hard, will beat the rest with you. Have a friend level 32, same as I, and I have ghorn lol
Fresh run on normal. Add name above
Lfg vog normal.
Need 3 for vog normal atheon cp. Relic runners