Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Gatekeeper checkpoint need 1 add Irnspiderman2099
Looking for Templar normal 31 hunter experienced add dudelax25 if you need one
Doing a fresh normal run Add ben0881
I'm 32 looking for 5 more for fresh hard run
Looking for atheon hard add insanity828 I am experienced
Need one more for atheon on hard add me
Looking for fresh VOG normal raid level28 hunter
Willing to help in raid add if yall need a warm body PSN- MrCrazyWiskers
Looking to do a VOG Hard fresh run. I'm a 32 on all of my characters. Add me
Willing to help in raid add if yall need a warm body PSN- MrCrazyWiskers
Normal VOG fresh add Bucc57
Looking for a VoG hard I am a lvl 29 warlock I can run the relic on both the ATHEON and before the Gorgons.
31 titan experienced lf templar cp add me TheGardenMelody
Fresh normal run on VOG need 3 more add PICKLES_2013
Need three hard mode vog gatekeeper cp VaLLaS__ two underscores
Fresh run normal 27 hunter experienced my last player add me TheGardenMelody
Fresh run lvl 28 inv or add DJFlight_214
Looking for hard team add me manly1243
Any one need to do gatekeeper on hard?
Need 4 high level players for Atheon cp who know what there doing. Let's get this done quick! Add josh_no-01
Need 3 32's for HM vault! We're at the gorgons! Psn-IGotGoogled
hard Vog gatekeeper cp 31s or higher want a quick run add getme26
Lfg fresh normal run lvl 28 hunter add Banga013
Starting fresh on hard lfm add jmalkovich1
Atheon checkpoint hard need 4 add ruckus7188 and join