Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need three for ATHEON hard cp add JETZ69 I'll invite
Atheon cp hard need 3 more
Need 2 for VOG hard at Gorgon's cp psn shaquille89
32 warlock. Need 4 more for vog normal fresh. Add t-briz
I'm looking for Atheon cp for my last character add scubaranks
Need one for fresh raid message sinisterlabs ps4
Gatekeeper hard cp. Have mic and experience. 31+ add patrickk27
VOg hard mode seeking 3 more players we have conflux cp. Please be experienced and be of higher levels add meperezs to join
Need 2 for gatekeeper on hard Lvl 30+ with experience Tryna get it done quick Add ElMercenario_06
Need 2 experienced players for VoG Hard Mode fresh
Looking for two or three more for vog hard fresh run. Please know what you are doing. Message me if your interested.
Got atheon cp normal, playing with new character Lvl 27. Need help Add azzraiel
Starting from Gatekeeper need full crew. Hard. Want 3 quick runs.
Looking to do a normal fresh run. Don't care if you have experience or not. Add RandyDaGod
Need two for fresh VOG hard run.. Message or add SINISTERLABS ps4 3/32's and one 29 we beast it!!
Need 3 experienced level 31+ for hard gatekeeper. Add scorchmuffins727.
Looking to do fresh vog run on hard add FatalTbag6115
Looking for 2 more for hard VoG gate keeper checkpoint add Xx_Dark_Angel_6
Doing fresh VoG on normal. We have lots of xp running this, let's do it and run it quick! Add the_stickmen
Need 4 experienced players for VoG Hard Mode fresh
Level 32 warlock or Hunter looking to Kline atheon cp normal or hard doesn't matter
Starting a full Vog hard raid. Send me a message for party invite. Gt same as above.
Am down for vog normal lvl 28 titan invite me
I'm looking to join at Atheon Cp on hard. Invite me. Gt is sevensick1760
Level 30 titan looking for hard VoG fresh run ps4 add black_knight