Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
34 Warlock / 34 Titan looking for group Fresh Hard VOG send invite to InfinitMugetsu
Edited by Shello0224: 7/25/2015 7:51:04 AMNeed 2 more VoG hard add me then join
Need 4 vog hard at oracles add bluev9
34 Warlock / 28 Titan looking for Fresh VOG Normal send invite to InfinitMugetsu
Need 5 for vog norm fresh
Templar cp on hard message trickshott v2 please be experienced
Need 5 for a quick VoG hard run. On templar cp. Add BubDubby
Vog hard gatekeeper cp add UISGamer16 on PSN
I need four more people for a vault of glass run hard mode gatekeeper check point I Alain have Gordon's chest check point for any willing to help Iam a level 34 hunter with max 36 gally
Send me a friend request it's GodofwargasmsOVO
need one for fresh start message da eggs501 for invite
need gatekeeper cp on vog normal
At templer hard cp add mbooth62956 and join
Looking to run fresh hard add me an join
I need 3 more for hard gorgon cp add darthisaiah
Need 2 for Templar cp
Is there anyone that will allow me to hold the oracle cp on another character.i will help complete the whole VOG add xWATCH_N_LEARNXD
Vog hard TEMPLAR cp add UISGamer16
Need 5 for hard Vault of Glass. Must be level 30 or higher. [b]Add Savage_Killa313 [/b]
Doing vog hard athon cp, have experience please add iKizMatiKZx to join :)
Need 5 more for a quick vog hard fresh. Lez go. Add BubDubby
Vog hard add QUEEMAN atheon checkpoint
I need 1 lvl. 34s with mics for fresh vog hard. Please know what ur doing. Add Navyblue912
Gatekeeper cp hard
Need 2 for normal quick run.. add navesblaze and join!
Atheon cp. Normal