Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need 1 for gatekeeper checkpoint vog hard
heads up. gonna need 3 for hard vog tonight at 1130 eastern.
5 32's looking Templar CP on hard Add alanjames17
Vog hard fresh run add lildre_230
Need 4 for Atheon cp on Normal
Need 5 more level 31+ for fresh VoG on normal. Add shoehead247. And don't mind if ppl want to switch characters for the exotic chest
1 more needed for templar add solidmazzA
[quote]Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam. Guys pls understand I posted this 3 weeks ago and I probably don't need to run any raid currently. I'm always up to help but just send me a party invite to run with you. I probably won't always join but I usually help you find a team. You just have to msg me.[/quote]need 1 more for atheon psn: Dact_Force
Need 3 for vog normal psn themilksquire
Need 2 for fresh normal VOG. Add xKANAIx
[quote]Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam. Guys pls understand I posted this 3 weeks ago and I probably don't need to run any raid currently. I'm always up to help but just send me a party invite to run with you. I probably won't always join but I usually help you find a team. You just have to msg me.[/quote] Need 2 more experienced people for Atheon cp. PSN: Dact_Force
Need 2 for fresh normal add psn gavenger
Looking for atheon cp on normal mode. comment you're psn or add jmrav
Need 3 hard gatekeeper add CSxSWAGx22
Need 2 more for gatekeeper cp on hard. Add StEwArTy07
Lf Templar cp or gorgon cp on hard. Have all raid weapons. Just hitting all exotic spots. Add or I'll join. 32 lock
NORMAL 5 for confluxes
VOG hard two spots left have relic berror
Looking for 5 for fresh VoG hard. Add occupykenya.
Need 4 atheon hard cp add Debbo01
Gatekeeper on normal need fullteam add an join...same name as above
[quote]Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam. Guys pls understand I posted this 3 weeks ago and I probably don't need to run any raid currently. I'm always up to help but just send me a party invite to run with you. I probably won't always join but I usually help you find a team. You just have to msg me.[/quote] need 4 experienced ppl lvl must be 31+ (Atheon cp) add Dact_Force
Need 5 for atheon hard cp!!!! Must be 31+ and experienced!!!!! Add Pacers-24
Fresh Vog hard need 3 PSN XCrimsonTitanX
32 Titan looking for Templar on hard. Very experienced. Maxed weapons. Add Xenosythe.