Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need 1 for hard fresh. Add Marsupial_Fling
Running Fresh VOG HARD, add TH3-x-Jok4R to join
3 more templar cp pn hard Gt alexander3ro
Need 4 for vog hard at gorgan cp add king_kaafi
Fresh run VoG hm add apulsarsremnants ps4
Running Fresh VOG HARD, add TH3-x-Jok4R to join
34 Warlock looking for VOG Hard Fresh invite InfinitMugetsu
Need 2 at atheon cp hard
Edited by HotRod69_: 6/13/2015 4:26:29 AMNeed one more to do normal Vog must be 32+ add tdiciro
Need full team at Gatekeeper CP Hard PSN: roma1130
Atheon cp hard, need 3 more, add The_Moises_
Need 4 for normal fresh run VoG
Vog normal need 2 ppl
Got 3 lvl 34s hoping to do either raid hard mode fresh run Msg me and ill invite you to party chat XxscopexXkingxX
Atheon cp hard Need 5 Srgt-ares-
I have a hard conflux cp add and join 33+ please
Edited by TKJ: 6/13/2015 3:14:09 AM34 Warlock Looking For Atheon Hard cp PSN Is airrboii
Needs 1 vog hard add gamer10800
Need 3 for fresh normal Vault run
Edited by stark1971: 6/13/2015 1:56:29 AMVoG normal Atheon cp 1 with some experience. Add stark1971
28 warlock LF VoG norm add: JakeBxrnsRed
27 Titan needs vog normal add whitairo
Lf4 for normal send me msg at DAxB3ASTx
34 Warlock Looking For VOG Hard Any Checkpoint PAN is same
New vog lv 26 up to gorgan maze for chests then running hard lv 30 to mazes aswell Grabbing check point and doing all way to athion. Looting for the chests and athion. Want in? mics prefered Add blackwaters93
Need 3 for VoG normal mode. PSNID is LeadFarmer305