Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Vog fresh run on hard add xbl00dwarx
Need 3 for fresh run add dh-13
Lvl 32 hunter lf atheon cp. Add lazaruskeen
Vault of glass normal atheon check point 31 plus no scrubs bruh add GlitchyHoppy
Vog fresh run on hard add xbl00dwarx
Vog fresh run on hard add xbl00dwarx
Edited by kingg___diesel: 6/11/2015 8:41:14 PM
Need 5 for VOG hard atheon cp
HARD need 5 more people lvl 32+ add me FRESH RUN
Fresh HARD vog lvl 32+ add me
Looking to join a VoG hard group... Level 34 warlock.. Add name above
Anyone have Vog normal cp? Add SaGeAssassin086
1 more for hard VoG gatekeeper cp GT: xXHolyRavenXx
Need 4 fresh hard
Edited by ManxWraith: 6/11/2015 5:33:02 PMNeed 4 level 32+ for Gatekeepers onward. hard mode PSN: ManxWraith
Lf 5 to run through hard oracles cp must have ice breacker 31+ must have experience PSN same as above
Lvl 33 hunter lfg VoG normal! Add dnnky
Looking to join a team to run VOG normal. Lvl 34 Titan with Max Gally. Have never done a full run so I probably will ask questions. PSN is same as top, or reply and I will add.
Need 5 players for VOG fresh hard must be levels; minimum: 31 maximum: 34. Not accepting lower. Must have Decent weapons and or Fatebringer, Icebreaker, etc., you know what I mean. :D [b][u]Add PLATANOHURRICAN1[/u][/b]
Need full fire teem for gate keeper cp normal add poke-hi
Need 4 for conflux hard vog
Need 2 for vog normal. Silent6123
Doing a quick fresh VOG normal run, experienced players!!! Add BlackZillaES
Vog hard Level 32+ only and must have experience Psn LUTONBOYS
Vog hard fresh. 5 spots open, starting from conflux's. Must have experience, running through fast. Black hammer/ice breaker preferred.
VoG need 3 add me