Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need 1 for vog hard gatekeeper cp. Add me
Hard fresh run
Need 4 for hard gatekeeper cp. Add me
VOG hard need 5 fresh
Vog Hard Fresh Run Psn: Toushirou89 Looking for 5 30+ players if interested leave psn also we will get all other chest, if you are seen getting ahead you will be kicked immediately. (I will have extra players to replace you ^.^)
PS4 normal fresh VOG Add strikercharged4
Level 34 Warlock with Max Weapons looking to do VOG Normal on PS4 add BLACKFEET313
Lf Atheon cp. Add ei_dri_yel 33 titan
Looking for group for hard vog fresh/oracle 34 Titan psn xi_appel_ix
Looking for a full team to do VOG on normal fresh.
Oracles HARD Need 2 Add JS_2502
Lf2m for VOG easy
Need 3 more people for hard vog fresh must be 31+ add insane_darkwolf
Loooking for fresh big hard run 34 experienced add edud07
3 more for Gatekeeper CP on hard. 32+. NO KIDS. Add: Thc_Digman
[b]Need 5 30+ guardians who know what they're doing for Gatekeeper CP. Add: DvnThaDude [/b]
[b]Need 5 30+ guardians who know what they're doing for Gatekeeper CP. Add: DvnThaDude [/b]
Need 5 asap Atheon cp first come first serve add psn same as above 3_'s in each
2 lvl 34s looking for fresh start on hard mode. Both adults. Please no kids. Psn: ItsOleDroopy
Need 3 for fresh vog hard add mr_bojangles321
Lf Templar hard cp
Hey I'm a lol 25 hunter that needs to be carried through VOG normal. I have an Xbox account that has 2 34s so I now what I'm doing. And I have a mic. So add me and send me an invite if u can help. Thanks
Noticed a few people looking for fresh Hard mode run but no one hosting, all add Donnelly_20 and I'll get one going
Lf a normal fresh run
LF Fresh Hard VoG. I'm a Lvl 34 Hunter add Divick_
34 Hunter lf fresh hm vog add DKBananaShotz