Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Atheon CP Hard add M_SaintZ and join
Gorgon hm chest ps4 up for grabs, add A__S__D__83 gonna stay for an hour
Atheon checkpoint on normal looking for 2 30+ experienced players add Frodihno
Vog hard fresh add Jeditedesco
Vog normal fresh Add srgt-ares-
Vog hard fresh need 3 lvl 31+ ADD ME Danieltron12 Daniel dt
Need 2 31+ Hard Gatekeeper cp
Vog hard fresh need 3 lvl 31+ ADD ME Danieltron12 Daniel dt
Ps4 Level 27 (third character) warlock Doing vog normal, then hard from Gorgons on my 31. Level 30+ Add miqbez to join
VoG hard Confluxes cp Need 1 Add: ASAP_Gingersnap
Lvl 32 warlock lookin to run fresh vog hard. Any experienced players for quick run HMU. Psn tj5270 on ps4
Gatekeeper cp need 1 hard mode
Need exotic Chest on normal please help add exploding_taco
2 more for fresh hard 31+
Lvl 32 warlock lookin to run fresh vog hard. Any experienced players for quick run HMU. Psn tj5270 on ps4
Need 2 for gatekeeper hard add omiesanon
Need 3 for hard mode vog atheon cp experienced only add TobbeMann92
If anyone wants to do Fresh VoG on Hard add ProNoodle. Looking for 4 players
Have oracle cp. looking for 32's that know what they are doing to do a few oracle/Templar runs. If you are'nt pulling your weight / weapons suck, you'll have to leave. Add spicychilly Must have mic Hm
I have a gorgon checkpoint Open for 2 hours ADD Belek8397
I need 5 people for atheon cp on hard add MaVuSnIpEz
Oracles on hard must be experienced cause we are gonna try to stop the templar from teleporting, to open vog secrete area add War_Krucher
add MagicMan763 fresh run Hard
Level 27 warlock looking for or to start a fresh Vog group. Add rosenkrantz606
Vog normal fresh run add Jim_Brady
Have oracle cp. looking for 5 32's that know what they are doing to do a few oracle/Templar runs. If you are'nt pulling your weight / weapons suck, you'll have to leave. Add spicychilly Must have mic Hm