Look for a fireteam here or invite me to run hard/normal at chen_dumo1 ps4 or I can help you find a fireteam.
If anyone wants to run a raid with me I always run raids/nightfall on the reset or a day after. Just send me a party invite or message me.
Need three for hard vog fresh run add dragonchiko must be 32
Looking for fresh hard Crota or VOG or any check points add xXRabid_DragonXx
Need 3 atheon normal cp Add Nmeez1711 oracle weapons required
Lvl 30 warlock looking to join 31+ that know what there doing for HARD, FRESH Vog run. Plz don't worry about me been 30 I have over 2000hrs on My Xbox1 account so I defo know what I'm doing I'm good with relic and I can solo right conflux if someone goes down. Invite me on PS4 - grahamhenderson Would appreciate it guys.
looking for gatekeeper normal cp message me
Need 4 gatekeeper cp Add Flaker_
Need one for templar CP hard, message for inv.
Dose any have Templar hard cp? If so add me please! Hunter rank 32 PSN ID: Anwaar-
Fresh Normal VOG need 4 have 2 level 28 & 26 with experience & maxed weapons add SonofaBatman11.
32 Hunter max ghorn and all weapons add excalliburfalls looking for gorgon co hard or atheon cp hard (MUST HAVE A FIRETEAM READY)
32 lock with Gjallyhorn, LF3M for Gatekeeper, HARD ADD GIXZER
Looking for four players to fill group, fresh run. Hard Mode PSN: Hudson3510
32 lock with Gjallyhorn, LF3M for Gatekeeper, HARD ADD GIXZER
Dose any have Templar hard cp? If so add me please! Hunter rank 32 PSN ID: Anwaar-
Dose any have Templar hard cp? If so add me please! Hunter rank 32 PSN ID: Anwaar-
Lvl 32 Titan looking for fresh normal VoG. Add: DvnThaDude
Got 3 31's & a 32 looking for Templer CP on Hard.
Atheon cp HM Add Hernandez_D1112
Dose any have Templar hard cp? If so add me please! Hunter rank 32 PSN ID: Anwaar-
Looking for fresh vog normal PSN- MrCrazyWiskers lvl 31 warlock
Need 1 more for fresh hard vog. PSN: Graysonprez
I have templar cp on hard, need five people, add KURAMA626
Need 2 atheon normal cp
Atheon cp HM Add Hernandez_D1112 Prefer people with black hammers/super good advice
Fresh normal vog know fights add papasnaz
Starting fresh hard VOG 30+ PSN: Graysonprez