I was out hunting and I fell into this room, filled with gold. There was a carving of a sword on the wall. Underneath it was a box, containing this red gem.
*hands it to you*
And this paper. All I could make out was a couple lines and M_p to _xca_i_ur. I think the first word is "map".
I'm sorry... But [spoiler]Map to Excalibur. Sorry, had to.[/spoiler]
YEAH NEW QUESTLINE! What about the gem?
Perhaps it is the key to finding this legendary blade... One thing is for sure, it will play a crucial part in its acquisition
I must pack. I will leave as soon as possible, I would appreciate any help.
Can I jo- *coughs violently* Join please?
Sure but what's with the cough?
*shows bite/cut on neck* It comes up occasionally. *clears throat*
Ahh yeah the vampires
The 2spooks4me realm is too many spooks...
I'll help
I will assist you for as long as I can.