originally posted in:The Beast Bender Squad
Me, SpankySquid (Jude) & GUNS YEAH (Alex) completed the WHS yesterday using rocket launchers. It took ten minutes, not 7 seconds, as are rocket launchers weren't the best. It turns out I needed more than two hale act ammo synthesises as my RL wasn't as good as I imagined (I hadn't used it before). GUNS YEAH got the final kill with a pummel after I took most of its life down by collecting more heavy ammo off the floor. O was just about to shoot him when Alex made a run to revive Jude and he pummelled the AP as he teleported in front of him 🚬😡🔫. We did it on level 24 as we tried level 28 but we kept failing when we had to open the door and kill waves of Vex. So I got my three strange coins 💵 and now I have 7. Two WHSs to go.
Bender Beast out.
[spoiler]Jude went down twice: once in the hiding place above entrance into the area where the AP is and once on the other side of the map (was dead for about three minutes) because he's an MLG asshole![/spoiler]
Sorry, at the start o the 6th line it's meant to say heavy ammo synthesises, not hale act. I'm just a quick typer and I'm on my phone not computer.