I'm just curious to know what everyone thinks about the leaked information. I'm going to put my views here. I tried to make this poll inclusive, even to the people who are done with the game, the devs, even the other community members because of how everything seems to be in pieces for a whole host of reasons.
Firstly for anyone who clicks the final answer, evidently someone does care, maybe not a great deal, but even just a little bit of concern is enough to count.
For the 4th answer, yes, I have felt that pretty crappy feeling, straight after he sold the last word for the first time, but I in no way want the gun to be exclusive, all the guns are content of the game that you purchased, and you have every right to have those weapons however you get them. With that, I kind of hope he sells gjallarhorn again, even if it is only once more and then never again. The content is there for you to enjoy, regardless of the opinions of anyone who might try to prove otherwise.
Third answer, neutral stance. You want to know out of curiosity, but is the punishment (and not even your punishment, it is meant for someone else's actions, such as megaman's) worth saying your curiosity, even if only briefly?
Answer two is obvious. You're sick of the giant dick measuring contest between the community and the developers.
Dataminers: "I data mined this and told everyone, what you gonna do?"
Devs: "well change the stocks last minute and make you look like you got it wrong, even if it hurts the people who might be thrilled to have that exotic they've wanted since getting the game."
Dataminers: "oh yeah? ... Well I'll... I'll .. Uhh. I'll leak something else instead, what'll you do then? HA!"
And aswer one, also self explanatory. You don't care at all, you just want to know what is going to be sold so you can realise the disappointment before the weekend so you can do something else or some other reason.
So, where do you stand? Personally I'm going to stick with answer two, and if your answer is different, I welcome healthy discussion but won't shun you because I think I'm right and no one else is unless they think the exact same as me. It's a matter of opinion and I want to know, and I wouldn't mind bungie knowing what you think too.
EDIT1: I'm posting the answers I put originally as best I can remember as they cannot be fully displayed, just in the hopes that they are a bit clearer.
EDIT2: I mixed up answers 3 and 4 on the repost, sorry for any confusion. (I'm only human ;) even if that human happens to have an abysmal memory >.> )
1: they're good to know, even if bungie may change them, thus making knowing them useless.
2: they're bad because bungie will change them, meaning anything good being sold, won't be sold, as punishment.
3: they're good to know, but you don't agree with how the information was obtained. (Basically you don't want to know them, but you do want to, out of curiosity)
4: there is no point knowing them because even before the leak is posted, xur probably won't be selling anything I want or need. (I guess another neutral stance but for a different reason)
5: I don't care about this poll. (Basically the typical forum troll option, but that's not my place to judge, I made this poll inclusive, even to people who have no need to even click the thread)
Because of the leaks, Bungie changed Xur and because of that I am a proud owner of two helmets that I was missing plus a lot of people got a new chance of getting Red Death. On the other hand if the next Xur prediction gets changed a lot of people will miss out on both Hard Light and Apotheosis Veil. If I'm not mistaken, none of those have been sold before so that would've filled many guardian's exotic's gap...