Has anyone else encountered this bug?
For a while, I thought that explosive rounds sucked. It reduced critical damage so much that if I could consistently land headshots, it was better to turn it off.
Since then I've discovered that it's a bug, not a feature, and to make things more confusing, I've only seen it on certain guns, [i]and against certain enemies.[/i]
So far I've confirmed that (at least for me) fatebringer, word of crota, and crusader I (new monarchy's scout rifle), against many enemies, critical hits do [i]only[/i] critical damage, and no explosive damage. This results in a net decrease in damage over critical hits with the perk turned off.
I haven't tested it extensively yet, and I probably should, but so far I've noticed that (against normal enemies, not majors) the way damage is calculated varies widely between weapons and even between enemies on the same gun. For example, crusader I seems to do crit + explosive damage to vandals, but only crit damage to dregs.
Typically this bug results in a 33% damage decrease vs non-explosive rounds on critical hits against red health bar enemies, which is quite significant.
Bungie, are you aware of this? Are there plans to fix it?
I think what you are saying is that some of your explosive rounds are not exploding and dealing regular non-explosive damage on certain low tier enemies. I haven't experienced this. If the perk for explosive rounds is on you should notice lower crit damage(compared to when it's off), but you will see the remainder(or most of it, not sure) in splash/explosive damage in small white numbers. I have noticed that in the vault of glass, a fatebringer, with the explosive rounds turned on will deal double damage. I.e. 1001 critical damage plus 1001 splash/explosive damage to goblins during the conflux, oracle, and Templar parts of VoG. I personally do not enjoy explosive rounds when coupled with the outlaw perk. Outlaw is only triggered if the critical damage kills the enemy, while explosive rounds may kill a target with splash.