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originally posted in: Third Subclass #Concept
3/14/2015 3:56:35 PM
Bumped. I was kind of hoping for BungleVision to add an arc barrier for Warlocks that's similar to the Hive knights barrier.... But your idea rocks anyways. The Titan Defender was a little lackluster and is more of an orb provider than most since enemies penetrating the defense barrier take zero damage and zero speed reduction despite wearing a helmet that provides temporary blindness. So as far as the titans thirde subclass a "Javelin of Solar Energy" with a small area effect was originally what I was hoping for... But still your idea is awesome. Lastly... Hunters third subclass with Void would've been awesome to me "if" it involved an area trap effect that drained speed, Hitpoints, and 50% vision loss in the form of the vestiges summoned in the "defend the warmind mission". But like your other two ideas, the hunter subclass idea still rocks just as well as the others. Props bro.

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