*Walks in*
*Grabs random bottle from behind the counter*
[spoiler]*Is alcoholic*[/spoiler]
Refrain from doing that
M8 I drink what I want. [spoiler]*Notices bottle is bleach*[/spoiler] [spoiler]*Goes outside to throw up guts*[/spoiler]
Has anyone seen my bleach around? *Glares at N7*
Yeah. It's all over the front lawn.
... [spoiler]I was unaware the bar had a lawn.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well thanks to that bleach, if it did, It doesn't now.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Now I think you've got some bleach to clean up out there...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*Takes mop*[/spoiler] [spoiler]*Goes outside*[/spoiler] [spoiler]*Mumbles under breath*[/spoiler]
*walks by* [spoiler]wonders why said person has a mop and looks like is making mud pies[/spoiler]