People need to get over themselves. This games loot system is entirely based on LUCK. Just because you have Ghorn does NOT make you an elite player. It makes you a LUCKY player. You are not special. You are not better than everyone else. If anything, grimoire is the most accurate skill telling stat. Also, in my opinion, having a weapon such as Thorn or the Mythoclast is more "elite" as you have to do something relativity difficult to obtain it. I'm just irritated that I've been told I can't do certain events or play with certain people simply because I don't have a weapon that you get purely off luck. Btw I've completed Crota on hard without a single person in the fire team having a ghorn.
Had an elitist join my raid per lfg last night. My post read " lf1 more maxed ghorn 32 please" we ran one sword (I was a warlock sword bearer) and Crota ate all dps not shield said fu and smashed me, ok it happens. This elitist b&tch boy immediately runs his mouth, "I thought this was 32 Gally only and why isn't a hunter running sword" he then left. We got another person immediately who was not an elitist scrub and defeated Crota the first try with my warlock as swordbearer. My thoughts if you need all 32's and all Gallys you are garbage and need a crutch or r just f&cking lazy it's overkill unless your trying to set some sort of record.