Does anyone know if saiyan guys naturally increase their stats in attack and Stamina?
I am still trying to figure out how I see characters that have those two areas almost completely maxed on a lvl 80 character and both the two I saw were saiyan males.
I'm testing it out right now with a newly made saiyan male but it will take a bit to power lvl him high enough to see where the stats naturally increase. So if anyone can confirm this with a yes or no that would be awesome b/c I rather not waste my time on something if it isn't worth it.
But I am very curious b/c those two areas are my favorite in a character and to have one with both almost maxed would be fun to mess around on.
It could possibly be a bugged z-soul. Ik the one I have restores my entire hp bar everytime I land an attack.
Which one is that? And on the characters I'm talking about I dont think that's it. They both have armor that increase base attack and stamina to the max and both have the z sword equipped. As far as I know the sword doesn't give a boost to stats but I could be completely wrong about that. And if that's the case im goin to be grinding for that damn sword harder then ever.
Were you on the One?
Ya. I play on Xbox one. Is there some hack out or something? Lol
Well I don't know for sure, I was only asking because I see it more prevalent on past-gen. But from experience, these games (including BoZ) seem to be exploited pretty easily. I still don't know for sure if what your referencing is an actual glitch or not. Either way, I know it doesn't give them the greatest of edges. We can still take 'em