Does anyboy have a boy/girl friend who won't share food with you?
I am 6'3 148 pounds and people have to hide food from me. Nothing is safe.
Edited by Woupsea: 3/14/2015 7:48:49 PMI don't live with any fat people lol, I have an obeice family member that clears my pantry when she visits tho
Yes but it's because she's on a strict 1200 calorie diet and doesn't want to give any of it up.
No but my older sisters used to.
I'll eat anyone's food if they give me the opportunity. If you're ever hungry, find the nearest highschool with outdoor eating areas and just wait until the lunch period is over. There's usually enough unopened or untouched food there to feed you for a few days. Unless, like, you get arrested for trespassing.
Joey doesn't share food! -friends
I think it is impossible for me to find a girl who could out-eat me. That would be a miracle.
Me. Unless when she's not hungry, then she'll probably give something up.
I don't mind.