*a PMc starts knocking nnjas room door*
em sir excuse me i was told to infrom you of some progress.
*PMC scientist* well sir. after the betrayal of Ultimaterobber. INflatable pants and Slazar slayed all of robbers assasins. and took some samples. we are developing a method to cpunter wraith powers
You dont know how to counter them and my assassins are safe in the time vault
we have killed enoguth for the research but now we now about the other ones. we will have a space/time rift open. thank you very much and we havent fully discovered but soon enoguht
You killed none of them they escaped the minute you guys betrayed me and they are not wraiths Even getting wraith stuff wont give you a counter for them
we didnt betrayed you did.
I was called god mode for everything
you mean the skin that was only destroyable by a supernove. the endless decoys which appear out of nowhere. and the sword that defies all kind of wahtever
I never said the skin was only desteroyable by. Asupernova I clearly showed that i made a decoy I never said the sword did that
you basicly had nuclear proof skin. you used the decoy the seond you got hit. you daid the sword was ulimite summoning necro and do thats
-.- i nevr said it was resistant against nuclear bombs
yeha but the other guys be like * i slash your neck multiple times* *you decoy away* *he slashes again but the skin stops it* *your blade 1 hits him*
*pull scientist with chain and flys away*
*wall of fire surrounds you two* STOP FIGHTING DAMNIT. There's been enough wars and politics that have to be dealt with, not to mention Robber himself. Do NOT cause any more trouble that I have to deal with...
I fled already
*the PPMC stabs you with a shock dagger paralyzing you* I can take care of myself thank you very much. if you excuse me ill be waiting for Ninja
*wall of fire surrounds you two* STOP FIGHTING DAMNIT. There's been enough wars and politics that have to be dealt with, not to mention Robber himself. Do NOT cause any more trouble that I have to deal with...
*PMC* i am just here to talk to sir. ninja by orders of. Salazar
I see. I know he started it, but try refraining from violence and prolonging aggression. Then come to me if this happens again, and I shall deal with the problem. Also, I think Ninja has retired to his quarters (I think he's sleeping).
*pmc* thank you very much illb e back later then
*snaps his neck as the paryalization has no effect in this form*
*as you walk away the scientis revives* Ah lazarus research armor. standar issue for sceintists. I do believe you are a hellspawn. *thows a nail paralyzing you* that nail os form the cross of Jesus no soul can escape it
I believe you dont know who i truly am?
Edited by Hohei Salazar: 3/15/2015 4:19:24 AMA god modder i do believe [spoiler]YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/spoiler]
Im actually very vulnerable in this form but a chain and pistol are my weapons now, the cape frees my falls