Spirit of Wolf is a new PS4 all purpose clan that is being organized by some grizzled veterans of the MMORPG genre who were initially drawn to Destiny as a result of our love of MMO's and Bungie/Halo. After many months enjoying the content in pick up groups and through sites like DestinyLFG.com and the100.io, we are now seeking to put together a small to mid sized guild/clan with the intent of raiding frequently, consistently, and effectively, as well as competing in the Crucible and Iron Banner using coordinated teamwork rather than relying on random pairings.
While we strive to play at a very high skill level, we also understand the demands of a healthy life outside of the game. Both founders are parents, career oriented, and have passions that extend beyond Destiny. But we sure do enjoy shooting things in the face, as well. If you are a highly skilled player who is looking for a consistent group, a newer player willing to make the effort to learn the game, or even just an MMORPG veteran looking to dredge up some past glories in group chat while we down Crota, feel free to join.
Our immediate goals are modest -- we would like to establish a small group for consistent (but not necessarily exclusive) raids, weeklies, and nightfalls. We are willing and able to grow the group beyond that and add additional functionality if the community grows.
Hope to see you in game!
PS4 - WattsND
Looking for an active clan to run raids on reset day & iron banner/crucible with. Lvl 32 Warlock, Lvl 31s Titan/Hunter (shards) I've done both VoG & CE plenty of times. As for crucible i'm more of a rumble/skirmish player (less people to weigh you down). If stats matter i run 2kd+ on both modes. Since IB is probably going to be control only i need a team to rely on instead of randys.