yes it is.
I dint travle here to enjoy a pcsific millonaire life i came here because there are no laws
*shows documents of every law*
Dahl..........*facepalms and hits you* this guys left the planet years ago. *shoots your head* -blam!- politics
I have helmet child
*rocket punches the helmet breaking it* and i have lots of bullets *shots again*
Still alive idiot and im still president
man -blam!- you and your plot jacking. NO one n=can contorl pandora. So i will kill you now *rocket punches thne pulls out knife and stabs yourr neck then decapitates and rips off both arms*
Theres a plot? I thought this was just random stuff here . Can i atleast own a region?
ok but keep anyhtign relatedd out of here
Can edit that so i can read it