Over 6 months since the game came out does everyone have all exotics by now? if not which ones you guys missing out on?
I've had all exotic weapons in the game since last month and wondering if everyone have made it to owning them all at this point?
EDIT: LOL guys thanks I made a post and all of a sudden I started receiving replies none stop haha thank you and boy I'm surprised that only a few have all exotics
I actually haven't gotten No Land Beyond yet. Other than that I have all xbox exotic weapons
Almost. Just got ghorn last night so now I'm only missing hawkmoon and Monte carlo
Just missing Necrochasm.
Hawkmoon and thunderlord. I have the rest all maxed out
Yes but no I'm on Xbox Fing 1 year exclusives
Yes but no cause I'm on Xbox Fing 1 year exclusives!
Yes. No. I'm on Xbox...Argh!
Im just missing Hawkmoon and Fate of all Fools (probably HoW DLC). But having all exotics shouldn't be that impressive. Have you leveled yours all the way to 331? [spoiler]I have[/spoiler]
I've got everything but fate of all fools. If only I had cancer...
I have them all
I have all Xbox exotics.
I have all exotic armor Only weapons I need are 4th horseman Nechrocasm And the infamous ghorn I've gotten at least three of all others except red death (only got one). I've come to the realization that I will never get jellyhorn
I only need thunderlord.
Every weapon/piece of armor/and raid weapon. And now they've sold Red Death I don't feel so special. I'm thinking the spring time has finally killed my destiny commitment.
Edited by Roe Larry: 3/16/2015 2:11:39 PMYeah, since a little over a month ago. 75% of them are never used.
Missing Thorn. Currently working on Bounty. Don't have the Vex either. Have all exotic armor except voidfang vestments.
Only missing Thunderlord
I need thunderlord, I've wanted it since before launch and it is the last one, but thank rng for 7 mythos and 5 no land beyonds
Since day one and I still don't have Monte Carlo or hardlight, gotta chase that carrot
Only missing 4th horsey.
I have gotten all of them, but trashed a few I'll never use. I also just learned that only playstation has Hawkmoon and the 4th horsemen... I'm dumb.