Over 6 months since the game came out does everyone have all exotics by now? if not which ones you guys missing out on?
I've had all exotic weapons in the game since last month and wondering if everyone have made it to owning them all at this point?
EDIT: LOL guys thanks I made a post and all of a sudden I started receiving replies none stop haha thank you and boy I'm surprised that only a few have all exotics
I've had all except MIDA. I'm not a collector though so I've dismantled a good amount of the exotics that I'd never use.
Only missing 4th Horseman
Still looking for Hawkmoon.
Just missing ghorn
only missing Gally
Missing 3...Dragons Breath, Vex and Thorn (have the bounty though...just hate the crucible)
Just finished my collection yesterday. 1067 hours to finally get hardlight
Still missing dragons breath, hawkmoon, monte carlo, and necrochasm.
On xbox yes. Psn no
Every exotic weapon on Xbox missing chest pieces for hunter and Titan and 1 Titan helm otherwise all exotics.
Just need hard light
yes got them all since Jan :)
Just the Hawkmoon... The only exotic I wanted from the beginning..
4th horseman and Necrochasm for me :(
I have life.. I think..
On xbone ya
Need the vex, necrochasm, and Monte Carlo.
Only thing I'm missing is the gjallarhorn
Have everything
Need nechro truth and dragons breath. And exclusives
all exotic and raid weapons/armour ( xbox )
Gjelly, vex, 4th horseman, truth are all I need. Playing since first week.
Had them for a while now...
Just need hawkmoon and I'll have them all