[i]the following paragraph that you are about to read was meant for satirical purposes only. if you are unable to comprehend sarcasm please move on to the next post.
I had to play for nearly 15 minutes! Shooting level 3 fallen in order to finally get a legendary engram. Then I had to go all the way to the tower and sit through a slightly annoying load screen in order to get my red death. So for all of you christmas noobs that paid for theirs. Why don't you get some -blam!-ing skill
Edit 1: Wow. There are already way too many stupid people on this post.
Edit 2: Since there are still people who still don't seem to understand this post I will make it clear for you. THIS POST IS SARCASM. This post is making fun of people who claim they "earn" weapons and armor. This game is random. Nobody earns anything and in fact buying weapons is actually much tougher than getting them through drops.
I earned mine by going AFK mid-roc strike. All those who bought it should have it auto-dismantled!!