People need to get over themselves. This games loot system is entirely based on LUCK. Just because you have Ghorn does NOT make you an elite player. It makes you a LUCKY player. You are not special. You are not better than everyone else. If anything, grimoire is the most accurate skill telling stat. Also, in my opinion, having a weapon such as Thorn or the Mythoclast is more "elite" as you have to do something relativity difficult to obtain it. I'm just irritated that I've been told I can't do certain events or play with certain people simply because I don't have a weapon that you get purely off luck. Btw I've completed Crota on hard without a single person in the fire team having a ghorn.
Haha grimoire is true skill yeah right like I'm going to grind for kills in certain things. And yes we 3 man crotas end an had 2 32s an a lvl 30 on crota hm. I usually solo or 2 man normal. laugh when I see people they need all 32s with ghorns.