I am a julie you know in life
Um ok
How you worded it made it sounds like you were actually the Julie I know in my life. Sorry just threw me off a bit.
Lol [spoiler]thats cause i am[/spoiler]
Sure. But I would confess my feelings to you
It's not anything i don't already know
True but not the depth of it. I never really told her how much I like her.
She knows
How would you know?
Cause I'm her
I know you aren't.
But i am
Then tell me something only she knows or at least a small group of people know about me?
That you kinda have the hawts for me
And that is how I know you aren't her.
But we both know u wanted me to be her sooo bad [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
Not really if you were her then I would be really embarrassed. Just so you know the reason I haven't told her just how much I like her is because she has a boyfriend.
And? Do you think it would break them up if you said anything?
I'm not sure. You never know. I like to think it wouldn't.
Then what reasons do you have not telling her? If it's not gonna have a negative impact on her relationship, where's the harm?
It might. I mean she knows I like her but he doesn't know that. And this wouldn't matter except for the fact that he gets insanely jealous incredibly easy so if he were to find out he may not trust her as much since I see about every day.
Then he is a douche who needs to grow up. And she needs to realize that staying in a relationship with someone who would stop trusting her without evidence is a bad bf. And you, you can't be responsible for the way others react.
But he's not a bad guy. Everyone has their flaws and that is one of his few. He may be going out with the same girl I want to go out with but I respect him because he is a great guy.
Well, tell her.