Xbox 360.
I need serious friends to game with on destiny on the 360. No squeakers and please talk! I also play gta 5 a lot as well. I literally don't have people to game with 95% of the time.
GT: killerxsly
East coast
Hey man feel free to hit me up. I play primarily by myself and solo crota frequently due to not having people who I find good or sociable. I'm on east coast if that means anything. My gt: jeweiner
Hey need help with thorn strike you guns?
I need help with thorn you finished it yet?
Im good thanks
I have a raid group that's boss and spend extra time farming rocs or in crucible. Hit me up sometime
How many people?
My actual really good group we have like 6-7 people. People in my clan ... Like 50 of us and we just rotate out from raid spots