*badger bring your emergnecy blood samples*
DOnt die on me.
*robotic hands light on bolts and i shock to reannimate you*
It BEATS!!!!!!!!!!!
*BAgder* Oi. me hre waht s the problem.
give me the samples
*badger hand sover samples*
OK this bastard smelled chucknorris gunsmoke so this should work
*injects the samples*
*heart beats hopefully, for a minute or two, then goes back to a standstill, brain activity gone, the whole body shuts down*
*takes off necklace opens it and looks onlt 300ml* *drops 100ml of holy grail water* work dammit
*dead body burns slightly*
*proceses that you are a vampire* dang it then *opens a wound ont he human arm to drop blood on yotu mouth*
*is still very dead*
,............... *tears* DANG NAMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *opens portal to hell again* Here we g
*is in neither hell nor heaven
TO LIMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or just ask Mage for a necro spell.