I love search and destroy in call of duty..it shows both ur teamwork and individual skill
the game mode should be sth like that
u start 6v6
side a attacks
side b defends
side a starts with a relic and there should be sth like a relic site where u can plant the relic (a sync plate maybe)
once the relic is planted a count down timer starts
kill all the players before they plant, or difuse the relic before the timer reaches zero
i think it would be fun if u add this especially that salvage is not available 24/7
give it a thumbs up if u agree with the petition
wrong game. bungie had other game modes like swat, capture the flag, and kill the pill. (the one with the ball). they can start there.
Go back to cod then
Go play CoD if you want this
Go play cod
Like the defend the Warsaw except pvp
I don't know about s&d but capture the flag would be sweet. I can just imagine all the flag carriers raging by being killed be a super. It would be awesome (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
It's called Salvage. Go play it if that's what you like.
Petition to add, Attack and Defend on crucible... LOL
STOP TRYING TO MAKE DESTINY INTO CALL OF DUTY!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!! IF YOU WANT TO PLAY COD, PLAY COD!!!!!!1!!111!!!!!!!! Jebus Cribst!
petition to stop bungie from adding any new pvp for 1 year till pve is great and or the massive open world bungie said it would be in 2013.
This isn't call of duty tho
[quote]I love search and destroy in call of duty[/quote] I stopped reading right here
Why is everyone trying to make this games PvP more and more like CoD? Go play that instead of trying to change this game into that.
So it's like the transporting public event thing
If you 11 year old douche bags want search and destroy, stick to CoD
Salvage is as close as I want to get to search and destroy or any cod mode for that matter. If I want to play cod I will play that.
Edited by CAMPING CAMPER: 3/16/2015 2:09:37 PMYes please! I want SND, Kill Confirmed, Uplink, and Demolition. Add killstreaks, death streaks (Dead Man's Hand), quickscoping, and this game will be gold! They should also make a map with the layout of Nuketown. Edit: They should also add microtransactions so I can buy camos for my guns. C4 will also rock the Crucible.
If you want search and destroy, I want armor lock from halo
Lolololo, fist of havoc a bomb spot and kill "ninja defuser"
No just boot up call and Duty and sit in a lobby on your own Destiny is about control cod is about deathmatch or TDM lets keep it that way
We need more objective based game modes, but i'd rather see some Halo game types instead of CoD ones
That seems fun. thumb up
I don't see this as a bad idea but I doubt Bungie would add a mode like Search and Destroy. I wish more modes were added though...
-blam!- off scrubity scrubville