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3/16/2015 4:47:53 PM

New ideas for destiny

I ran out of room so I had to shorten this up a little. I hope those at bungie read this and get some of my ideas. I really believe some of them can be game changing and will help keep all your fans happy. If you can't put it in this game I hope some of them can make it into destiny 2. Here are my ideas and suggestions. I think some of them should definetly be added to the game where others I don't know if it would be possible. Some we use already I would just like options for turning it on ourselves. 1. Allow Players to Select our Own Heroic Modifiers - I would like to be able to select my own heroic modifiers for each level I do. Adding the ability for us to select our own heroic modifiers outside of your daily, weekly strike, and weekly nightfall would make this game a lot more fun and add a new challenge to destiny. Personally I would probably play with every burn on every level. I would like to try the burn on the raids too lol. I love taking fallen major vandals with snipers out in one headshot as well as taking fallen captains down in 3. One for their shield and two to the head takes them out. It's amazing and adds an extra difficulty to the game. I don't like sitting in the easy spot to kill the boss in the nightfalls but at the same time I don't want to wipe and start all over. A lot of people play the nightfalls very carefully bc of the rewards. They don't want to have to redo it bc of the nightfall heroic modifier. After completing the nightfall with my rewards I usually find myself going back in just to play with the burn. This weeks weekly strike at the Archeon priest with void burn is a lot of fun with the warlock using void walker. I just unlocked the perk on the obsidian mind helmet that refills my nova bomb while getting kills with the nova bomb yesterday. After getting home from work tonight I plan on running right thru the weekly multiple times so I can nova bomb everyone lol. The burns are the most fun I have with this game. I absolutely love it and wish I could turn it on myself for every level. 2. New Bounty Ideas If bungie makes it so we can select our own heroic modifiers then they can make different bounties which players desperately need. I know a lot of people have been complaining about doing the same bounties over and over since the games launch. Adding the ability to choose our own heroic modifiers would allow you to create new bounties to compete. For instance get 200 kills on earth with arc burn on. Get 500 points with solar damage with solar burn on the Shrine of Oryx. Get 10 melee kills with the lightswitch heroic modifier on without dying. Play a strike with all the burns on. Complete a story with a full fire team and don't get sent to orbit with the nightfall heroic modifier on. Allowing us to select the heroic modifiers like that would allow you to add a lot of bounties to the game and would keep a lot of your players occupied and having fun. I know I would love it and would continue to play more. Lately I have been getting bored with destiny. After I got my gally I was like what do I do now? It was the first time I felt bored and had nothing to do so I had to make something for myself to do. Which is why I am trying to level up all my guns. But adding this would add a new challenge to the bounties and actually make it fun again. 3. Icebreaker recharges faster with radiance active - When using the warlock and using the sunsinger subclass super radiance I believe the icebreaker should charge much much faster as it too has the solar element on it. The radiance super charges every ability fast for the warlock. It even charges everyone else's abilities fast when song of flame is activated. I wish it would charge super faster for other characters as well. We tried using song of flame for the swordbearer on crota so they could smash crota with a super but song of flame doesn't charge your fireteams super faster which it should since it says all fire teams abilities charge faster when active. I understand why the sword doesn't charge faster bc it's not an ability but the characters supers definetly should. If it already does it's not a noticeable difference. But when radiance is active I believe that at the least the icebreaker should charge faster as its a solar gun and requires recharging. Ever since the black hammer came out fewer and fewer people use this gun. I think this ability to charge it faster would be an amazing addition to the game. And if song of flame recharges your fireteams icebreaker as well it would be absolutely amazing and might actually get more people to use icebreaker again. If it would be unable to charge faster as it can't be added to the warlocks abilities maybe an exotic chest piece would allow this to work. 4. Allow us to make our own guns I think it would add a lot more fan loyalty to this game if we could create and customize our own guns in the game within the boundaries of what is already available. You would have to dismantle a gun with the perks you want and select the things to keep from the gun. For instance keep some perks and keep the element damage off of the shotgun you dismantle. Keep the scope off your sniper rifle and some perks. Dismantle the thorn and take the mark of the devourer perk and save it for your new gun. Then put it all on your new sniper rifle you build or whatever you want so it has the perk from the thorn, sniper rifle, and shotgun you dismantled. That would be awesome and allow so many customizations that you would be able to retain a lot more players as you could create so many combinations no one would be able to do it all in a lifetime. That would be amazing. Now I know this would probably be really difficult to code into an existing game already but it's an idea for destiny 2 that you could add. - I won't list this as another topic bc it's kind of the same concept. Although the idea above probably won't be able to be worked into this game I would like to see some of these weapons added to the current game. I think that there should be a fusion sniper rifle. Maybe two. One that charges as fast as the light of the abyss and fires one bullet that kills the enemies up close. It would have something like an acog scope on it. It would be a close range sniper. Then the other would take a little longer to charge (not like pocket infinity bc that takes absolutely forever) but it would be one hit kills anywhere on the body from any distance. I believe it wouldn't be to OP as it would be hard to charge up and be accurate at such a long distance. You would have to charge and shoot at the exact right time. I believe it would be hard to use in crucible but people would love this weapons for both pvp and pve. A fusion shotgun would also be a cool addition. Let's put your imaginations to work at bungie and see what comes up. It as after all some where a thousand years in the future so let's see what awesomeness those at bungie can come up with lol. You already have all the ideas and materials you already need to make these. Just start putting them together with different perks from different guns in different combinations. That would add some variety and keep people happy and playing your game. 5. Add New Subclasses to each Character - Every character is missing one element subclass to have all elements. A lot of people have been speculating about this. Some thought it would come in the dark below. Some in the house of wolves. I know you said that third slot was to lock your subclass in but a lot of people don't know it's from the beta. I believe if it is coming it will come in the release of comet. If this is all false I would like you to try and make this happen at some point. 6. A new character/guardian with more character slots available - Self explanatory 7. Make the nechrochasm actually worth a damn. That's supposed to be the ultimate raid gun as its the first in the game to require leveling up in stages. I think you have failed to make this gun useful at all. It even blows in the nightfall with arc burn bc it is so lame. It doesn't even have the magazine capacity that Atheons epilogue has. When the epilogue is a better gun then your exotic raid weapon, you know you screwed up. This gun needs a serious buff otherwise it will collect dust in everyone's vault or just get dismantled bc it seriously is that bad. I was really let down when I got the crux and went to the nightfall to use it. I put it away and ended up using my fatebringer. Please fix this broken ass gun. The cursed thrall explosion is pitiful. It only kills hive thrall as they are the only thing that bunches together like that. I don't know where this game is going to go If you have any questions or would like to play together bc I know I would like to play with some of you at bungie and talk with u my PSN is bootsmane and I play on PS4. I would like to know what you think of my ideas and would like to play with you. Please get a hold of me and let me know what you think.

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