I see a lot of post from both lower lvl saying that 32s are dicks and then there are a lot of 32s that won't help lower lvl players
I just don't get y 32s are like that I mean we all started at the same place someone at some point so y would u act like you don't know what it's like. I personally love helping and teaching lower ppl how I do the raid ls or even learn some ways that other ppl do it. I mean I have all 32s so what else do I really have to do in this game. I carry 30s thru the hard raid and 27s thru the normal raid. Idk maybe I'm just different.
If your on Xbox one hit me up kavman1990
Also check out me stream
Edit: I have been made aware that you cannot see anything on my profile not sure why that is will work on that.
Edit 2: post your gt and what console you are on. Let's start getting these ppl rdy for house of wolfs
Edit 3: I didn't think this post would grt this big. I am trying to reply to all the comments but that is starting to look impossible so thank you to all that commented even those who don't agree this is a forum for everyone to express there thots. Glad to see we are all still frosty
P.S. I have all three 32s even tho u can't see it on my profile add me if you don't believe or add me if u need help or jus wanna have another raid friend all are welcome. God bless.
I'm sorry but dicks is such a strong word... Call me le penis! Also don't generalize, ghorny retards are much worse and I help whenever I can... It even pisses me off when tards post "only 32s" for a damn nightfall ;)
Its not even hard getting 32. Just keep raiding.
1st world problems...
Git gud scrubby -blam!-s
We aren't entitled to do shit for you. Some 32's are dicks some are nice. We don't have to carry others through stuff.
Why do all the girls use the same avatar for attention?
Probably the same reason that 31s are dicks, and 30s, and 29s etc. The players are dicks regardless of what level their characters are.
Out group goes with what we get as long as people listen. On crota normally we can have 1 or 2 30s and 1 31on hard. For VoG it's a little different because 3 players that dont have oracle disruptor or fusion rifles can be an easy wipe on hard.
It's not that it's level 32's are dicks, it's that in every game you'll ever play there's always elitists and douchebags who want to get to the end first, get the most items first, have the most money, etc., [i]just[/i] so they can lord that over other players and say "ha ha I'm better than you". Why are pixels so important to these people and what achievements they have in comparison to a complete stranger who gives two shits less about them, I'll never know.
I like this guy. He's chill
Just got my 3rd 32 last week, I know the struggle of grinding to get 32, especially one of each class. If anyone needs help anytime I'm on Xbox one also
It makes me laugh as when I change my amour back to a 31 people seem to prefer me when I put it back to 32 people wanna be carried. I'm not a donkey I'm not carry anything I'm only 1 person I can't do hard raid with 5 level 30's
I get that some are dicks. However in saying that most 32's who have started from day 1 would assume that they grinded their ass off in vog to get to 30 where getting to 31 is easier by just buying gear. Knowing this why would some 32's help lower lvls when they know they worked harder to get to 30 where others just need vanguard marks to get to 31. I think this is where the issue stems from.
Lol nice advertising
Destiny - the game where the difference between 1 level can determine you being called a pro or a noob
It's not those who are lvl 32, it's anyone that is an Eliteist
Simple answer is because they're not pussies
For the same reason some people are dicks, i guess?
If all 32s are all dicks, why are all non 32s cry babies? [spoiler]next time don't paint us all with the same brush[/spoiler]
Yesterday i was bored in the tower handing in some bounties and a lower lever warlock needed help with his Venus mission..helped him throu Venus and Mars..gave me an excuse to use my universal remote hahahh
Lmfao with the shameful self promotion. Scrub
You should change the title of your post to "Why are some 32s such dicks?" I help people out all the time and I don't appreciate you lumping in the good with the bad. Alot of us help out when needed. 32s being a dick is kind of an ignorant thing to say. It's the people, not the level.
Not all of us are mean.
I dont see the problem or well have not run into it. Ive taken 27s through CE and enjoyed it. I understand everyone has to start someplace to get somewhere and I enjoy helping them get there. Ive always said. Todays noob is tomorrows legend. Met a guy in galaxies years ago just shooting stromies in espa. We hung out, i helped him around. Years later we were still friends actually good friends and he sends me a tell and says hey man. I told my group about you, they want you to join us. That group. Top Imperial group on our server. You take the time to help those because if me helping someone out leads to a friendship that lasts years, it was worth it far beyond what they got out of it.
I'm a patient guy. I will help the willing. However, it frustrates me that I join raid groups and people still have no idea what to expect at multiple stages of the raid. That's just lazy! There is so much information out there that it takes only a small amount of initiative on a person's behalf to understand what the objectives are for each raid. Hell, you can even watch countless YouTube videos and experience it, first hand. When I decided I was ready for the Vault, I took my time reading and learning before attempting so that I could be a contributing member of my team. Sure, I died lots in the beginning but i probably saved myself from dying much more by coming prepared.
Edited by Brandon4K210: 3/16/2015 7:55:53 PMAdopt a Guardian Program... lvl 32s adopt a lower lvl playing and lvl them up until they are a lvl 32 where then they can adopt a guardian of their own... Lets make this happen people. [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/887728[/url]