Why you no come to me?lol. Seriously though, 3 characters, each of them 20+rank with cryptarch...grrrrr. Yeah, I've seen others that are rank 80+ and still don't have it. I did get my new monarchy shader, pretty cool, but that damn God of War....curse you. Please be mine.
It's only for gods
Got one at 10 and one at 5
That's mad didn't realise till last week it was rare found I had one that I didn't know I had. Got another one 2 nights ago. Hope you get it soon.
Have 3 distmantled 5 only cryptarch 29
I got mine at 30
I got my ones from GOML
Arctic proxy why do you elude me?
Got it forget how do
I want arctic proxy :/
lol got mine from a vangaurd package
Edited by Agent Hex: 4/18/2015 11:59:54 AMI finally got one and then one night while extremely drunk, I accidentally deleted it. True story, so -blam!-ing pissed. The lesson? Don't play games like dark souls, bloodborne, or destiny while drunk, you could lose everything.
Edited by ElectroHail: 4/18/2015 6:34:11 PMI got two on my very first account My Cryptarch rank was 156
I feel your pain. -_-
Just got mine today! But keep trying and eventually you will get it good luck!
crucible rank 8
I've gotten two and I dismantled one lol
I have it
I got mine from crypt arch rank 6 lol
Ranked 72. . Still no shader . . Sigh 😢
got mine from a cryptarch package when I reached rank 11 or something close to that
Don't worry dude you ain't missing much it's butt fugly
I have been searching for a third one. But then again I'm greedy. Then again my titan looks awesome
I was rank 4 when I got it
You can have mine.
I got it at Vanguard Rank 4 package but as I was deleting my alt, i -blam!-ing deleted the shader with him