I see a lot of post from both lower lvl saying that 32s are dicks and then there are a lot of 32s that won't help lower lvl players
I just don't get y 32s are like that I mean we all started at the same place someone at some point so y would u act like you don't know what it's like. I personally love helping and teaching lower ppl how I do the raid ls or even learn some ways that other ppl do it. I mean I have all 32s so what else do I really have to do in this game. I carry 30s thru the hard raid and 27s thru the normal raid. Idk maybe I'm just different.
If your on Xbox one hit me up kavman1990
Also check out me stream
Edit: I have been made aware that you cannot see anything on my profile not sure why that is will work on that.
Edit 2: post your gt and what console you are on. Let's start getting these ppl rdy for house of wolfs
Edit 3: I didn't think this post would grt this big. I am trying to reply to all the comments but that is starting to look impossible so thank you to all that commented even those who don't agree this is a forum for everyone to express there thots. Glad to see we are all still frosty
P.S. I have all three 32s even tho u can't see it on my profile add me if you don't believe or add me if u need help or jus wanna have another raid friend all are welcome. God bless.
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