Good job on the the titan and hunter subclassss even though I think some of these are a little far fetched.
As for the warlock, I find it terribly underpowered. A super focused on melee abilities and weapon speed? Sounds like a severely watered down radiance. On top of that you just hover on a storm? I can imagine activating this only to see enemies run away in Pvp and kill me or hobgoblins in pve just sniping me while I stand there punching nothing.
I know the hurricane perk lets you move but I see you say that it would be like walking. Which is very underwhelming. Besides how am I supposed to reach anyone with my melee from on top of some storm thing?
Anyway, I really like the other classes subclassss, but I really think you should think of a better subclass for the warlock. No hate just and opinion
I'm changing and rearranging the Arc Warlock. Tell me how it is now.
The perks are much better. However, still not a big fan of it being so melee focused. For exams the blade dancer gets increased speed and a shield to close the gap to engage targets quicker. Here you are mostly stationary, and movement would be OP. Maybe some sort of effect that pulls enemies in range or maybe reduces movement speed to keep enemies in place so you can hit them? Just thoughts. However just because I find it underwhelming, doesent mean everyone does. It looks like lots of other people here like the super. Thanks for responding to feedback though man hope bungie sees this post and at least takes some inspiration.
That might be something I can fix, I'll look into different ways I can increase its awesome without making it OP. Thanks for Feedback.