Why would they do this I would have been able to rub against people's legs while they were training and now I can't because some bastards can't control themselves
[spoiler]I hate The whole Lenny thing I think it's a waste of time[/spoiler]
*hugs* It looks cute.
Yay you're not a hater so thank you so much [spoiler]the haters nearly put me to sleep they have to step up their game[/spoiler]
It's okay soon we will rise from the ashes anyway *Pets*
Thank god you aren't here to criticize me about the wolf pictures I post *licks your face*
I'm cool like that
Some of them are okay, like Grub... That being said, I totally agree. With all the pointless spamming, this whole Lenny thing has been taken out of hand.
Im ok right
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/18/2015 1:05:44 AMAre you? I won't have a problem with you if you don't insult the wolf pictures I post like this one http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs33/i/2008/296/a/2/Lying_by_grouchywolfpup.jpg
Sorry mate, forgot to mention a bunch of you. You're not a problem, and even when you did attack (yeah, hi Ultron) you attacked in an rp style, actually making it fun. But I do prefer you as an ally. :) The new spammers... It just gets tiring. Honestly. God mods and ignorance, it's not enjoyable for anyone. Well, maybe [i]they[/i] take joy in bothering other people, because that actually seems to be the case.
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/18/2015 1:12:16 AMWho's Ultron?
Thanos' old form. We used to fight, but now we're cool, he's one of those from the Lenny Sovereignty that's helped us with rebuilding and became allied with us.
Oh thanks for filling me in