Bacon is so much more enjoyable than bananas so I have to disagree wholeheartedly.
Now look, I understand that bananas are healthy and all that other BLAMMING BLAM. But seriously, if someone said 'here's your scrambled eggs and banana for breakfast' I'd punch them in their Crota.
Bacon is so much more diverse too!!! Do you see bananas on cheese burgers? NO!
So case in point is this: bacon is the only way to reach level 32 and beyond. Case closed.
Lol. Maybe your post would have more credibility if you had more supreme stats. When you're top 1% for crucible deaths and orb collections than maybe you'll have the pull to call it Iron Bacon. Until then Iron Banana it will remain.
This is impossible. First off, I'm not much into crucible because of the lack of bacon. Second, my stats don't count anyway, because you can only equip one bacon themed piece of equipment at a time.
In Iron Banana you can have multiple yellow pieces equipped.
Hmmmm, in that case I may change my vote if I can wrap banana slices in bacon. But ONLY the expensive stuff!!! None of that cheap crap that's mostly fat. I'm talking PREMO stuff. In that case I'll THINK about it.